COLLECTIONS OF PHOTOS: Taken as a participant in this wonderful two-week program in the fabulous city of London. Included are short project assignments, final project assignment, and miscellaneous selected sets of my photos. Also my Application Portfolio submitted for acceptance to the program, a project based in my home city of Phoenix, Arizona.
CAMERA USED: Canon EOS-M Mirrorless Digital Camera with EF-M 18-55mm f/3.4-5.6 IS STM Lens (yes, I really do like it!)
THE PROGRAM: International Urban Photography Summer School, University of London, Goldsmiths. Highly recommended--check it out!
ABOUT ME: I am an American cultural anthropologist and urban ethnographer living in Phoenix, Arizona. Although I've taken photos for years, this was my first real formal study of photography, and I was delighted that the program integrated my research interest in urbanism. I'm not likely to become one of the world's best photographers--but my aim is to try to use photos analytically to disclose critical aspects of urban change through my interpretive photographic ethnographics.
THANKS: To program coordinators Paul Halliday and Beatriz Vélez Argueta; tutors Laura Cuch, Peter Coles, Mandy Lee Jandrell, Manuel Vazquez, Jasmine Cheng, Les Back, Caroline Knowles, Alex Rhys-Taylor; and to all my international colleague participants from many different disciplines. Muy muchas gracias to my terrific host and photo advisor, Tom B!
NEWS! Most of our group will be presenting photo essays, pecha kucha style, at our panel, One City, Multiple Stories: Visual Narratives of London Urbanism at the Royal Anthropological Institute's Anthropology and Photography Conference at the British Museum, London. May 29-31, 2014!